Friday, June 29, 2012

Demodex Mange in humans symptoms, treatment, causes of human mange

Mange in humans is a contagious disease associated with poor hygiene. It is more commonly known as scabies and causes severe itching. It is often mistakenly believed to be contracted from animals, however the parasite that causes animal mange does not like the taste of human flesh. For that reason, it is impossible to catch human mange (scabies) from an animal or pet.

The human mange disease known as scabies is a skin disease that is transmitted by a parasite and it is characterized by itching and skin lesions of varying severity. There are often several scabs in a localised area, and this is known as the most common human form of mange. In this form, the contamination may be from one individual to another, whether through direct physical contact, through sexual contact or through contaminated objects (bedding, linen, etc..).

Animals may get manage, though this is not transmitted to humans. Scabies can also occur in other forms, such as scabies in infants resulting in the appearance of vesicular lesions or the so-called Norwegian scabies that occurs particularly in immuno-compromised patients. It is characterized by the appearance of thick crusts. These symptoms can occur in animals and humans respectively.

What are the causes of Demodex mange in Humans?
The parasite causing scabies measures about 0.3 to 0.4 mm long. The female mite spends about one month to dig a tunnel through the tougher thick layer of the skin where it then deposit their eggs. After two weeks, the mites hatch and become adults and return to the surface of the skin. From there, the adults mate and begin the same cycle, in the same person or in someone else. Scabies is often associated with poor hygiene, while in fact it is not related. It is about the skin mites and not hygiene.

What are the symptoms of human demodex mange?
For about a month, the disease is considered asymptomatic, as there are no visible signs. Itching will eventually occur, usually at night or after a hot bath. They correspond to an allergy to the parasite faeces deposited in the tunnel that the mite has dug. These are the first signs of the disease that show as clearly evident. Then the grooves corresponding to the tunnels appear. These grooves are visible to the naked eye and are often terminated at the end by a translucent pearl shape. They are often found mostly between fingers, wrists, elbows, buttocks, then they become widespread as they spread across the face, neck, palms and soles. In women they may be seen on the areolas of the breasts.

How to diagnose demodex mange in humans?
Diagnosis is based the identification of the adult parasites recovered through a scraping with a scalpel blade. A Microscopic examination will show the parasites, their eggs or their faeces. In humans, the presence of grooves and itching may be all the diagnosis required.

What are the complications from demodex mange in humans?
The major risk is that of a secondary bacterial infection.

Who to consult?
The attending physician or dermatologist.

What are the treatments? Once the diagnosis is made, it is imperative to treat the patient as soon as possible, as well as everyone around him/her, even if there are no signs of the disease. Contaminated laundry must also be completely washed and disinfected. Normally the patient should be isolated in the first 48 hours of treatment. A cream containing permethrin is preferred to preparations containing lindane. These products are available as lotions, sprays or cream and whole body must be covered. The user manual of each product must be followed exactly to avoid the risk of respiratory tract irritation and, especially in children. If the treatment does not work externally, tablets may be prescribed.

Canine demodicosis treatment symptoms causes

Demodicosis is a skin disease that affects dogs, and it is due to infection of hair follicles by a parasite. This parasite is a microscopic mite called Demodex canis. It has a peculiar elongated shape. As with scabies in humans, it burrows to lay its eggs, and it is this activity that causes severe itching in dogs.

It mainly affects young dogs, which are contaminated during the first few months of life through contact with the mother during lactation. Many dogs are infested with this parasite without any clinical signs. 85% of healthy dogs are carriers of this parasite. Only a few dogs show clinical signs because these dogs have an inefficient or deficient immune system. The disease occurs in puppies between three and twelve months old. Sometimes older dogs have the disease as the result of an immune deficiency, or secondary to another disease (endocrinopathy, tumour involvement). Certain breeds are predisposed to this parasitic disease. The skin lesions during Demodicosis show as circumscribed hair loss. There is also often dander (dandruff). Sometimes demodicosis is complicated by the appearance of a secondary bacterial infection of the skin or significant dermal inflammation.

The infected dog has lesions on its limbs and on the face around the eyes. There is also a form called disseminated depilations through the seborrhoea coupled with a strong skin odour. This is basically where the hair falls out almost evenly throughout the body but at a slower rate. In general, there is often no evidence of itching. Sometimes it is the hair loss that is the only symptoms that are easily identified by the owners.

The severe form occurs when dry demodicosis is complicated by a bacterial skin infection. What is known as a deep pyoderma, whose main source of infection by staphylococci (nasty bacteria). The skin becomes covered with oozing and crusting or boils both unsightly and irritating to the dog. There are also severe itching and hyperkeratosis (thickening of the skin). Sometimes the disease is so serious that it affects the general condition of the animal. The dog becomes depressed, emaciated and dehydrated.

To completely get rid of the parasite, veterinary practitioners prescribe tablets that have active ingredients against Demodex. The dog should also be given baths in chemicals that have acaricides for destroying the Demodex mite, which is often a lotion diluted in water.

The baths should be given once every two weeks until recovery. Whatever the type of treatment performed, the length of it is still very long and expensive. It takes between 2 and 4 months for complete healing. Regular checks should be done by performing skin scrapings. The treatment can be stopped if they do not observe more than two parasites on scrapings performed at weekly intervals. Recurrences are uncommon (10% of cases). Bitches in heat or pregnant may have a recurrence. It should be prevented from breeding to prevent them from transmitting the parasite to puppies.

In case of a strong skin infection the vet must also perform antibiotic therapy. The infected skin may become difficult to overcome by conventional treatments. The dog ends up being saturated with antibiotics and the immune system weakens, which creates a vicious circle.

By implementing a protocol of several natural medicines, such as a magnesium treatment, it can help the antibiotics, immune system and pills do their job. They will all complement each other.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Sea Buckthorn Oil Treatment

Demodex in Scalp is the evident reason of hair loss. These are actually tiny little mites that reside in your hair and eat up your roots. These are also called face mites; this is because they are also a big reason for uncountable skin diseases. Skin conditions caused by these mites are blackheads, acne and Rosacea.

These mites can be as long as four millimeters and as small as one millimeter. They can be found in the pores of your skin. They are mostly residing on the skin of your nose, cheeks, scalp, eyebrows and eyelashes. They are more like worms, they have scales all over their bodies and they also have tiny little claws. The females of these insects can lay more than twenty six eggs at a time in one follicle.

In a research it was found that they start appearing in people at the age of twenty and can remain there until the end of a person’s life (or when they do not have any hair left). Even though there are not many widely known treatments for this disease but some of them may be found on the internet.

The Sea Buckthorn oil is the known treatment for this condition. It will nourish your hair and make these little guys leave their residence and flush out. This oil is naturally gifted and you can get so much more then Demodex free hair. Your hair will be smooth, silky and shiny.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Human Demodex Brevis Symptoms

Demodex brevis is one of the species of microbial arthropods (insects) that cannot be seen with a naked eye. It is commonly called as facial mites because it is usually concentrated in facial skin regions and is one of the contributors of human skin disease called Demodicosis. Demodicosis, caused by Demodex brevis and Demodex folliculorum on humans, is characterized by dry, rough, scaly and inflamed facial skin.

Demodex brevis lives in the sebaceous glands that are connected to tiny hair follicles and feeds on the oil producing cells of the gland. It is classified as commensals (those organisms that benefit from the host without harming them) and is usually harmless under the check of our immune system.

Under the compromised immune conditions, it easily proliferates and develops an active Demodicosis. Immune suppression may occur due to ageing skin, inappropriate hygiene and diet, prolonged use of antibiotics or state of convalescence, which may lead to active infestation of Demodex brevis.

There are several preventive measures and therapeutic options available to control Demodex brevis. Habitually, you should avoid accumulation of oil on your face because it provides a favorable medium to facial mites. Avoid oil based make up and greasy cleansers and regularly perform exfoliation to remove the dead and aging skin cells. For fully active and afflicting facial mites, topical insecticides in combination with oral or topical antibiotics are usually prescribed. The symptomatic presentation of active Demodex brevis is very similar to rosacea and acne, therefore you should get the demodex identification test done and avoid using self prescription of therapeutic agents.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Shampoo for Demodex Hair Mites

There are studies that shows that populations of Demodex in the follicles have been highly correlated with the male pattern baldness. From the statistics on 99 subjects involved in the study, 87.3% of patients suffering from alopecia were found to have a Demodex infestation. 12% of patients suffering from alopecia tested negative for having Demodex infestation.

The control group were people who had a full head of hair. 13.6% of the control group tested positive for Demodex and 86.4% of the control group tested negative for Demodex infestation.

As the numbers show, a significant majority of people suffering from hair loss have found Demodex in their follicles. The numbers also show that only a small percentage of people without hair problems has Demodex in their scalp.

Currently, the only thing that this study was able to prove is that Demodex is associated with male pattern baldness, but we do not know if they really play a role in male pattern baldness or whether they are harmless and are only attracted by the follicles that are already bald (because this was the follicle would provide them a conducive environment for living, in terms of sebum oil / food abundance).

So, we face the classic dilemma of cause and effect, ie: it is not clear if the Demodex cause baldness, or vice versa, their proliferation is a result of a state of baldness already started. In theory, Demodex may cause inflammation (such as of the rest can also in other skin diseases), which may further aggravate the hair loss.

Shampoos with a Demodex killing agent will help to quell the numbers of mites killing hair follicles in your scalp. The problem with most chemical shampoos is that they damage both the hair, the skin and the hair follicles, making hair loss more likely. A shampoo with agents that kill Demodex mites and treats the scalp to help it heal is far better. This will gently remove the dirt that the mites feed on, and will kill the mites so that your hair is free to grow healthy, hence reducing the chances of it falling out.

A shampoo with natural healing properties will help to stop the scalp from reacting so harshly, and help stop the follicles from dying. Once the body’s immune system realises that the hair follicles have fewer mites in, they will stop taking such drastic action and stop swelling up the hair follicles. This in turn will help to stop further damage and help stop the hair falling out.

Some chemical agents are strong enough to kill the mites but will also damage the hairs roots. They can also cause the skin on the scalp to become flaky or greasy, which leads to dandruff. Mites are then more likely to re-infest when the chemical treatment stops, because the mites will happily feed on your dandruff. There is also the chance that the mites will react to the chemical agents and adapt so that it doesn’t affect them. They are then free to eat away at your scalp, safe in the knowledge that all the chemicals are doing is damaging the scalp and giving them more food.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Demodex Mites Treatment in Humans

There are a lot of treatments for Demodex mites, and due to the nature of humanity, some will work for one person and not the other. For this reason there are a lot of various treatments that you can try, either one at a time or together.

There are oral antibiotics such as tetracycline and minocycline which sometimes are all the body needs to start healing and fighting back. On other occasions a person may experience side effects, and with prolonged use without effect will actually start to feed the mites. After 3-4 months with little improvements, the mites may begin to convert the antibodies into food to help swell their numbers.

There are also creams for application to the area, known as metronidazole. The topical creams corticosteroids are often contraindicated (best not used) especially the fluorinated ones because even though they will at first have a positive effect, it is widely believed that their prolonged use actually leads to rosacea.

Oils such as Neem Oil and Lemon Grass Oil are often preferred by some people due to the fact that they are a softer treatment. They create an inhospitable environment for the mites whilst at the same time help the skin to heal, so that the there is less food available for the mites. The oil can penetrate deep into the sufferers skin and has no side affects. This is also good because a sufferer can use it as often as they like without ill effect.

The other treatments for Demodex mites are things such as antibacterial washes, oral antibiotics, topical creams, light pulse therapy, isotretinoin and other photodynamic therapy treatments. One must consider other treatments before moving to such extreme measures. Trying things like soaps, cleansers, body washes and shampoos with anti Demodex agents may have a better effect. Also things such as improving a sufferers immune system, and a change in their hygiene routine may help. This involves things such as changing their bed sheets and (especially) pillow cases frequently.

Another possible treatment may be a sulfur cream or a twice per day sulfur wash, then followed by antibacterial or anti-mite cream afterwards. This is a rather aggressive form of treatment and other forms should be tried first before going to these measures. The skin often reacts to such a barrage of treatment by flaking, which creates more food for the mites. The sulfur does help knock a few of the mites from your pores, but the then dried skin makes life a little easier for the mites left behind. Combinations of sulfur washes and creams should really only be tried after you have tried a few less aggressive methods first.

Azelaic acid (Finacea gel 15%) is another treatment that works for some people, but again is an aggressive treatment that will damage the skin, and during the period of healing is all the next wave of mites needs to re-form their stronghold on the face. The acid however can help control the swelling, but is best used in conjunction with other treatments.

The daily anti demodex therapy will not be complete without a nutrient-rich diet. Vitamin C, known as ascorbic acid, help to promote healthy skin and strengthen the immune system. Most people know how important vitamin C can be for strengthening immunity. In case of demodicosis, where immune system of your skin is weak, use of natural anti demodex products is more sufficient than use of chemicals. Products with antibiotics and other chemicals suppress the immune system and should be used as preventative measure - to stop the infection caused by demodex mites.

DEMODEX CONTROL is aLL natural anti-demodex cream. It contains sulfur with herbal extracts, vitamins and minerals. When applied on to your skin, the active ingredients are deeply absorbed into the skin pores killing the mites. The vitamins and minerals restore the skin's immune system suppressed by demodex. Oils and herbal extracts promote healthier looking skin and prevent demodex from returning.