
Friday, June 29, 2012

Demodex Mange in humans symptoms, treatment, causes of human mange

Mange in humans is a contagious disease associated with poor hygiene. It is more commonly known as scabies and causes severe itching. It is often mistakenly believed to be contracted from animals, however the parasite that causes animal mange does not like the taste of human flesh. For that reason, it is impossible to catch human mange (scabies) from an animal or pet.

The human mange disease known as scabies is a skin disease that is transmitted by a parasite and it is characterized by itching and skin lesions of varying severity. There are often several scabs in a localised area, and this is known as the most common human form of mange. In this form, the contamination may be from one individual to another, whether through direct physical contact, through sexual contact or through contaminated objects (bedding, linen, etc..).

Animals may get manage, though this is not transmitted to humans. Scabies can also occur in other forms, such as scabies in infants resulting in the appearance of vesicular lesions or the so-called Norwegian scabies that occurs particularly in immuno-compromised patients. It is characterized by the appearance of thick crusts. These symptoms can occur in animals and humans respectively.

What are the causes of Demodex mange in Humans?
The parasite causing scabies measures about 0.3 to 0.4 mm long. The female mite spends about one month to dig a tunnel through the tougher thick layer of the skin where it then deposit their eggs. After two weeks, the mites hatch and become adults and return to the surface of the skin. From there, the adults mate and begin the same cycle, in the same person or in someone else. Scabies is often associated with poor hygiene, while in fact it is not related. It is about the skin mites and not hygiene.

What are the symptoms of human demodex mange?
For about a month, the disease is considered asymptomatic, as there are no visible signs. Itching will eventually occur, usually at night or after a hot bath. They correspond to an allergy to the parasite faeces deposited in the tunnel that the mite has dug. These are the first signs of the disease that show as clearly evident. Then the grooves corresponding to the tunnels appear. These grooves are visible to the naked eye and are often terminated at the end by a translucent pearl shape. They are often found mostly between fingers, wrists, elbows, buttocks, then they become widespread as they spread across the face, neck, palms and soles. In women they may be seen on the areolas of the breasts.

How to diagnose demodex mange in humans?
Diagnosis is based the identification of the adult parasites recovered through a scraping with a scalpel blade. A Microscopic examination will show the parasites, their eggs or their faeces. In humans, the presence of grooves and itching may be all the diagnosis required.

What are the complications from demodex mange in humans?
The major risk is that of a secondary bacterial infection.

Who to consult?
The attending physician or dermatologist.

What are the treatments? Once the diagnosis is made, it is imperative to treat the patient as soon as possible, as well as everyone around him/her, even if there are no signs of the disease. Contaminated laundry must also be completely washed and disinfected. Normally the patient should be isolated in the first 48 hours of treatment. A cream containing permethrin is preferred to preparations containing lindane. These products are available as lotions, sprays or cream and whole body must be covered. The user manual of each product must be followed exactly to avoid the risk of respiratory tract irritation and, especially in children. If the treatment does not work externally, tablets may be prescribed.

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