There are studies that shows that populations of Demodex in the follicles have been highly correlated with the male pattern baldness. From the statistics on 99 subjects involved in the study, 87.3% of patients suffering from alopecia were found to have a Demodex infestation. 12% of patients suffering from alopecia tested negative for having Demodex infestation.
The control group were people who had a full head of hair. 13.6% of the control group tested positive for Demodex and 86.4% of the control group tested negative for Demodex infestation.
As the numbers show, a significant majority of people suffering from hair loss have found Demodex in their follicles. The numbers also show that only a small percentage of people without hair problems has Demodex in their scalp.
Currently, the only thing that this study was able to prove is that Demodex is associated with male pattern baldness, but we do not know if they really play a role in male pattern baldness or whether they are harmless and are only attracted by the follicles that are already bald (because this was the follicle would provide them a conducive environment for living, in terms of sebum oil / food abundance).
So, we face the classic dilemma of cause and effect, ie: it is not clear if the Demodex cause baldness, or vice versa, their proliferation is a result of a state of baldness already started. In theory, Demodex may cause inflammation (such as of the rest can also in other skin diseases), which may further aggravate the hair loss.
Shampoos with a Demodex killing agent will help to quell the numbers of mites killing hair follicles in your scalp. The problem with most chemical shampoos is that they damage both the hair, the skin and the hair follicles, making hair loss more likely. A shampoo with agents that kill Demodex mites and treats the scalp to help it heal is far better. This will gently remove the dirt that the mites feed on, and will kill the mites so that your hair is free to grow healthy, hence reducing the chances of it falling out.
A shampoo with natural healing properties will help to stop the scalp from reacting so harshly, and help stop the follicles from dying. Once the body’s immune system realises that the hair follicles have fewer mites in, they will stop taking such drastic action and stop swelling up the hair follicles. This in turn will help to stop further damage and help stop the hair falling out.
Some chemical agents are strong enough to kill the mites but will also damage the hairs roots. They can also cause the skin on the scalp to become flaky or greasy, which leads to dandruff. Mites are then more likely to re-infest when the chemical treatment stops, because the mites will happily feed on your dandruff. There is also the chance that the mites will react to the chemical agents and adapt so that it doesn’t affect them. They are then free to eat away at your scalp, safe in the knowledge that all the chemicals are doing is damaging the scalp and giving them more food.
Demodicosis, symptoms and first signs. How to treat demodicosis in humans. Natural remedies for human demodicosis.
Shampoo Demodex made by Ovante is very effective if you need to get rid of the mites on your scal, i tried few other otc shampoos but the made by ovante works best. this company also have bunch of different over the counter anti demodex products including stop demodex mask which you can use if you have very severe form of demodicosis and nothing else help